On Tuesday (4.2.2020) I didn't do anything big. In the morning me and Emma went to konbini again to buy a breakfast. Then we did went to work. We brought our laptops in the office. Lija and Daniel had problems with their laptops, but we managed to do given tasks still. Our work schedule is from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. At lunch break we bought bentos from 7 eleven and went to eat to close to river. It was nice. Our lunch break is from 12 am-1 pm or 1 pm-2 pm.
After work our Finnish group did go to eat to ramen restaurant. Or it was udon, I'm not sure. There was a nice little old lady, who didn't speak English but she was showing us how to use the ticket machine. She was so cute! We took a group photo there. Sadly Noora was sick so she isn't in the picture :( I ate deep fried shrimps, rice and a bowl of some kind of noodles.
On Wednesday we continued to do Google task with laptops. Also we started to talk about mobile game ideas what we should do. In lunch break our boss, Mr. Kato, took us to some restaurant that were a little bit far away from our office. My legs started to hurt because of the walking. But the food was very good so it was worth it.
After the work me, Noora, Samu and Daniel did go to Shibuya. We ate noodles in some little restaurant. There was a ticket machine where you put your money and it gave you a ticket. You bring that ticket to the waitress and she brought the food to you. It was very good! Only thing that I didn't like was the cold tea that they offered. But it was free so I drank it.
After eating we went to an arcade. There was so many ufo catchers and different games. We played rhythmic games with Noora. Those are my favorite and I had fun. My favorite rhythmic game was maybe the one which is in the video below. You didn't just tap in the right time but you had to lift your hands. There were sensors that registered the movement and I thought it was cool. We also tested Mario Kart game and it was fun.
On Thursday didn't happen much. Only interesting thing was that we went to Monster Hunter themed bar with my friend. She is staying in Tokyo for a week. But I make different blog post about that bar.
仕事の後、フィンランドのグループはラーメン屋に行きました。またはうどんだった。よく分かりません。素敵な小さな老婦人がいました。彼女は英語を話せませんでしたが、切符販売機の使い方を教えてくれました。彼女はとてもかわいい!そこで集合写真を撮りました。悲しいことにヌーラは病気だったので彼女は写真に写っていません :( 揚げた海老、ご飯、麺類を食べました。
仕事の後、ノオラ、サム、ダニエルは渋谷に行きました。私たちは小さなレストランで麺を食べました。あなたがあなたのお金を入れる切符販売機があり、それはあなたに切符を与えました。そのチケットをウェイトレスに持っていくと、彼女はあなたに食べ物を持ってきました。おいしかった! 私が気に入らなかったのは、彼らが提供した冷たいお茶だけでした。でも無料だったので、飲みました。